Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Day One Evaluation - Original Date Feb 14th, 2007

For all of those in the "curious about transplant" category or for those that just want to know how the past few days have been for me --- here it goes.

9:30am & 9:40am - Fasting Blood Work and Lab Container Visit:

Fasting blood work equated to probably about 12 vials of blood - maybe more. Lab Container visit just involved any type of specimen you can think to give to test for any and every problem that you might have.

9:50am - Radiology Chest X-Ray:

A Chest X-Ray same old same old - chest against the board and turn with your left side against the board and your arms up.

10:30am - Cardiology Electrocardiogram:

This took about 15 minutes max. Just involved a few adhesive patches on my chest and stomach (which was slightly uncomfortable – the adhesive meaning) other than that we are talking pretty painless and very fast.

11:00am & 12:00pm - Pulmonary Med Complete PFT & Pulmonary Med Six Minute Walk:

They took me right on time for this test and it took about an hour. I had to take my O2 off - and STAY OFF for the length of the testing. They were monitoring my O2 levels the length of the testing. My O2 Saturation actually never dropped below 92 (which is an improvement from before IV treatment when they were at 89). I had to do the typical breathe normal breathe normal - DEEP BREATHE and BLOW and keep blowing for at least 6 seconds. Then I had to do a test where I panted rapidly (outside of the box) for about 12 seconds. Then they shut me in the box - I did that test once - since I get claustrophobic she said I could stop since the results were consistent with the other tests.

After that I had to do the test that measures the amount of gases you absorb or retain - that was the reason I had to stay off the O2 the length of the test. You have to breathe normal, take a deep breath (at your own pace) breathe all the way out slowly and hold it. Then she hit a button and released the gases you take a deep breath in and hold it and then blow out all the way. That test for me ended up being about half of what was normal - I think she said normal was about 22 and my reading was about 11. Then I got 2 puffs of Albuterol and redid the first 2 tests.

At the end of the breathing tests I did a six minute walk with the O2. The Respiratory Therapist followed behind me with the pulsoximeter - that was attached to my finger to measure my oxygen saturation level - and a tool to measure the distance that I walked.

1:00pm - TC Cardiology HL Diet Consult (TC =Transplant Center HL=Heart and Lung):

This was relatively simple. We talked about my diet and how I may need to modify it to add more protein before transplant and less sodium after transplant. The protein would help me gain weight and I would need to lower my sodium intake because of the meds post transplant.

2:00pm & 2:30pm – Pre-Admissions Appointment & Allergy Anergy/PPD w/Control Skin Test:

This is a test to see if you have been exposed to TB. They inject two allergens(Yeast and Tetanus) that most people react to on one arm and they inject the TB testing portion on the opposite arm. If you do NOT react to either of the controls – the yeast and tetanus – then the test is deemed inconclusive because your immune system is not functioning properly otherwisee you would have a reaction to at least one of the controls. Due to that the results of the TB test are not known for certain because you did not show a reaction. I hope that makes sense. So you want to react to the yeast, tetanus or both. Doing that shows your immune system is responding the way it should, and in that case if there is NO response to the TB then you are truly negative for TB or exposure to TB.

3:00pm Heart Lung Social Worker Evaluation:

This was somewhat involved and took about 2.5 hours to complete. We talked in a group first – the social worker, myself, my mom and dad. We talked about who would be my caregiver, the issue of insurance, some about fund raising and a little family history. The social worker also got my parents work and home information. Then my parents left and I talked to the social worker alone for a while. We talked about my history, school, college, jobs, hobbies, interests, and she asked the worst thing to ever happen to me and the best thing to ever happen to me. She asked about my spirituality and religious beliefs. I also asked her a few questions about this process and how long it takes for them to decide if I am “listable” after I finish the evaluation. She said once all of my tests are complete that I could know something within a week or two, BUT all of the tests have to be complete.

Well in other news about the FIRST Day – We met so many wonderful people that had also gone through transplant at the center. We met a woman who had a single lung transplant last June and was there for her monthly appointment. She was roughly 50-60 years old. She told me a bit about her experience at the center and said nothing but wonderful things about the center as well.

Then I met a man whose wife had a single lung transplant about 4 years ago. She is still doing wonderfully – though she was not at the hospital when I met him. He said that he helps in heading up the transplant support group and gave me some information about that. He also talked for a long time to me about the different CF patients he had met through the center and how they had done after transplant – he said every CF patient that came through the center did extremely well.

I met a woman who had been waiting for 8 months now for lungs, considering she has been waiting for 8 months she looked great. They have her going to therapy at the hospital three days a week and it helps keep her in shape for when she does have transplant.

Overall the first day was long but enjoyable – woke up at 6:30am and arrived home at the end of the day at 6:45pm.

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